The One Thing That Makes a Difference in Divorce

May 10, 2023
By Alternative Divorce Solutions
The perspectives of each person can make the difference between a successful mediation for divorce and a long drawn out battle in court. If you can see beyond the divorce and hold hope for your life, then there is less to worry about and pick apart. If you focus solely on the divorce, hanging onto every detail, the divorce will eat you up and your recovery will be much more difficult. During a divorce, both parties can be consumed with paperwork and sorting through what needs to be divided. I have heard clients say that it has felt like a full time job when they litigate their divorce. Of course it is if you feel you must hang onto every knick knack in the house and count every single penny before making a decision. Mediation gives both people a chance to start working on their futures in the midst of the divorce. When you know that there are better things around the corner, it makes the pain in front of you less bothersome. Mediation doesn’t mean the outcome would be different than if it was litigated. Especially when working with CMD, you have an attorney who understands the law and can inform you about what the law says so you make the decisions that are right for you. Give us a call to see how we can help change your perspective on divorce.


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