by Alternative Divorce Solutions | May 10, 2023 | 2018
The mediation process can be a great way to handle family legal issues without going to court, but what exactly is a mediation review? After you’ve gone through the mediation process, you might be confused about certain aspects of the final agreement, or you may...
by Alternative Divorce Solutions | May 10, 2023 | 2018
When a couple divorces, the higher-earning spouse may be asked to make payments to the other spouse in order to provide him or her with financial support. Couples rarely earn the same amount in a marriage, and when a couple divorces, the lesser-earning spouse might...
by Alternative Divorce Solutions | May 10, 2023 | 2018
Sometimes, marriages don’t work out as they should never have happened in the first place. This calls for the ending of the union, which traditionally occurs through divorce. However, in unique circumstances, an annulment is the preferred alternative to divorce,...
by Alternative Divorce Solutions | May 10, 2023 | 2018
Prenuptial agreements have become second nature in California marriages, and for good reason. With the rate of divorce so high, more and more people realize just how important it is to protect their best interests prior to entering into a legal agreement. In a...
by Alternative Divorce Solutions | May 10, 2023 | 2018
Before you get married, the property you own is considered separate property. If you had $20,000 in your bank account before saying, “I do,” that amount will still classify as separate property unless it comingles with other marital property. For example,...