
The Path to a Better Divorce

Business Owners and Divorce Mediation

At Alternative Divorce Solutions, we work with many couples who are also business owners. As a business owner myself, I fully understand all of the time, heart, and dedication that goes into running and owning a business. Sometimes, it really feels like your business is the center of your world and it can certainly be […]

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A Cost – Benefit Analysis of Divorce Mediation

Time and time again, I hear people speak about divorce and the idea that they will get more money if they go to court. Unfortunately, this logic just doesn’t make sense. Think of it this way … with few exceptions, California Family law states that if you bought something during your marriage, it is community […]

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Divorce Mediation: Top 5 Tips for Co-Parenting

At Alternative Divorce Solutions, we assist couples in building parenting plans through divorce mediation every day. That being said, there are no two parenting plans we have built that are identical. This is because every parent is different and every child is different. Through our work in divorce mediation, we have helped hundreds of couples […]

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Divorce Mediation Can Change Your Life

When you are thinking of options for your divorce, it is important to ask yourself what you would want the outcome to be (in an ideal world). Do you and your spouse have a lot of assets to divide? Do you have a complicated financial situation? If so, how do you see these financial issues […]

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8 Daycations Your Spouse Will Love for Under $20

After a long week at work, all that any of us want to do is look forward to a little R&R for the next couple days. Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Yes please! Bring on the sleep and the fun! However, there is a pitfall that many of us stumble into and often dread planning during […]

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Your Assets and Divorce Mediation

When people are considering divorce, fear immediately sets in. They begin to think “I have never been through divorce before … what will happen to my assets?” For people who choose to go to court for their divorce, there are legitimate concerns about what will happen to their assets for a couple reasons. First, the […]

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Preparing for Divorce Mediation in Orange County

Divorce mediation is the most cost effective and efficient way to handle your divorce. That being said, many couples who are considering divorce do not know much about the divorce mediation process. Often, couples come in for their free consultation asking questions like “how long does the divorce mediation process take” or “what is expected […]

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Divorce Mediation is a Team Effort

Divorce mediators work very hard to help their clients reach agreements out of court. This is no easy task, as the divorce mediator must work with both spouses at the same time. This takes a lot of time, communication, and effort. Divorce mediation can be a successful process for you if you and your spouse […]

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Divorce Mediation Creates a Customized Outcome

Divorce mediation is a much different way to resolve your divorce than going to court. When you go to court to get your divorce, you and your spouse will each hire separate attorneys who will meet and get to know them. Then, the attorneys will appear in court to ask the judge for different things […]

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Divorce Mediation and Spousal Support

When couples are married, it is common for one spouse to stay home to raise the children while the other spouse continues to work. It is also very common for one spouse to earn more income than the other spouse even when both people are working. The law provides a way to deal with these […]

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Divorce Mediation and Children

Orange County, CA has one of the highest divorce rates in the nation. As the divorce rate continues to climb, there are more and more children who visit their parents in separate houses and come from divorced households. The decision to divorce is always a very difficult one. When there are minor children involved, this […]

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Orange County Divorce Mediators

Orange County Divorce Mediators at Alternative Divorce Solutions discuss The Fear of Starting Over after Divorce: There are so many horror stories associated with divorce in Orange County. I think that people start to hit a certain age where their friends are getting divorced and they begin to hear about all of the pain and […]

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