Teaching Children About Thankfulness

November is the month we celebrate our families and give thanks for all that we have. Traditions are awakened and we can begin to feel nostalgia as the end of the year beckons. When a family is divided by divorce, all of these things can change and we can begin to...

Divorce Mediation – the Basics

Many people don’t realize they have choices when they think about filing for divorce. Of course, everyone knows about the litigated model, each person getting an attorney, cooperating or not, having discovery, asking for financial information, filing interim...

A Collaborative Divorce Success Story

Once in a while, I like to highlight one of the many success stories that come through my practice. I do this because I am passionate about showing the difference mediation or the collaborative divorce process can make, both for the divorcing couple and the family....

Top 5 Questions about Divorce – Part 1

How Much Does a Divorce Cost?I’ve been thinking about what are the questions that I hear over and over again and thought I might share those. The first one that I hear every time is, “how much does a divorce cost?” I usually answer this by saying, that’s like asking...

How to Choose a Divorce Mediator

The decision to end your marriage is never an easy one. While the decisions don’t just stop there, you may know one thing, that you want mediation, NOT litigation. (By they way, if you still aren’t sure if mediation is for you, check this out.) But how do you find a...