Why Do Couples Get Divorced?

The Reasons Marriages EndSometimes the relationship you once thought of as “only of your dreams” unfortunately turns out to be something different than what you expected. It is never easy to see a marriage dissolve, and it can feel worse when it’s...

Preparing for the Trauma of Divorce

These days, trauma is a hot-button issue. Psychology has become more aware of different types of trauma and their effects.Trauma is often associated with abuse. While the connection between the two is clear, not all trauma is the result of abuse. Sometimes, an abrupt...

Healing from the Trauma of Divorce

In Part 1 of this series, we offered preparation for the trauma you may experience in a divorce. We listed common experiences recent divorcees have after their divorce. Now that you’re aware of what you may experience, it’s time to discuss the next part:...

Tips for Successful Summer Co-Parenting

Ensure a Great Summer for EveryoneSummer is officially upon us, and while children everywhere are either wrapping up their school activities or are already out for the season, co-parents may be filled with fear of how they will work through this challenging time of...