Three Tips for Dealing with Stress During Divorce Mediation

May 9, 2023
By Alternative Divorce Solutions

How to Manage Stress During a Divorce

Divorce mediation has a strong reputation for being a less emotionally taxing way to divorce. While this is true, it is still a divorce and there is going to be stress involved.

Managing this stress will be key to getting through the process as whole as possible. Here are some helpful hints for managing stress from our team at Alternative Divorce Solutions:

1. Take Some Time to Yourself

Think back to a time when you were doing activities you really liked. This might be reading a good book, having tea with a friend, taking a walk, or even exercise. Even though you are under pressure now and may feel like you don’t have the time to take care of yourself the way you want to, it is more important to focus on your well being now than ever before. Take the time to get back to the things you enjoy. They will give back to you.

2. Breathe – Practice Calming Exercises

Sometimes, when we are under stress or dealing with anxiety we forget to breathe. This doesn’t mean breathing in general (we all do this to stay alive .. haha). It means taking the time to focus on your breathing and focus on staying cool, calm and collected. Studies show that just five minutes of deep breathing per day can greatly reduce your anxiety.

3. Visualize the End of Your Divorce

Even though your divorce is taking up all of your time and energy now, there will be a future where it is behind you and you have healed. Try to visualize where you want your life to be after the divorce is over. Do you have a new hobby, a new career? Doing this will help you take your mind off of what is hurting you now, and may even help you make more reasonable decisions during the divorce mediation process. Think about this – if you were in a place of full emotional recovery, what decisions would you make today? Maybe the things you are holding on to won’t seem as important. If they do, then focus on how you can make those things happen and let go of the other things.

At Alternative Divorce Solutions, our mediation attorneys are trained in stress management. We will be there to support you through the entire divorce process. Contact us today!


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