
The Path to a Better Divorce

Keep the Peace When You Can

Divorce is like any other area of law in that our clients are trusting us to provide them guidance and support. It seems like people feel like their attorney’s words are worth their weight in gold. In divorce, however, we must be even more careful about what we say than in other practice areas. As […]

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As Seen in OC Mom

Hi Everyone! We are so excited that we were asked to write for OC Mom. You can read my article below: Being a mom of two-year old twins, I spend a large portion of my days protecting them from what seems like the world; the staircase, the coffee table, and sometimes even each other! I […]

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Pre-nuptial Agreements

With all the recent talk about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes divorcing, speculation is high as to whether or not the prenuptial agreement will have an impact on the divorce process. Why might this be? There are many requirements that must be met before a court will enforce a prenuptial agreement. To list a few, […]

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I am getting divorced. Who needs to know?

Divorce can bring up a lot of feelings of shame, fear or guilt. Some people feel like a failure and others don’t even want to acknowledge that it is happening to them. While we know that this is a difficult time, it is important that you let a few people in on what is going […]

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What to do with your wedding ring in the midst of your divorce?

You took your ring off when you decided to divorce. It was the last thing to go, symbolizing the end of your relationship. Before you do anything with it, you actually might want to consult an attorney. If you plan on going with the traditional divorce route of litigation to end your marriage, you are […]

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When Mediation Isn’t Working… How to move forward

Couples that choose mediation often have hopes of it resulting in a quick and peaceful divorce. However, there are times when mediation doesn’t work. How do you know if your mediation isn’t working? Often there is a stalling in the process. Neither party is able to compromise and therefore decisions cannot be made. You might […]

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The Fall of Divorce

Believe it or not, fall is upon us. Even with temperatures in the 90’s in southern California, people are getting into the spirit of things with pumpkin patches, apple picking and costume parties. Fall is the commencement of celebration and holidays and those can be stressful on families going through divorce. If you have kids, […]

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Being grateful is an important practice in each person’s life. Practice? Well, yes! You have to be intentional about it and keep making conscious efforts toward having more gratitude in your life. Often, people going through a divorce can become very negative as they are confronted with the changes in their lives. That negativity can […]

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Teaching Children About Thankfulness

November is the month we celebrate our families and give thanks for all that we have. Traditions are awakened and we can begin to feel nostalgia as the end of the year beckons. When a family is divided by divorce, all of these things can change and we can begin to lose sight of what […]

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Divorce Mediation – the Basics

Many people don’t realize they have choices when they think about filing for divorce. Of course, everyone knows about the litigated model, each person getting an attorney, cooperating or not, having discovery, asking for financial information, filing interim motions, going into court, really a very protracted, long process in most cases. However, at the opposite […]

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Top 5 Questions About Divorce – Part 2

Read Part 1 of this article by clicking here. The third question that I get is about Community Property. People have heard generally that California is a Community Property state but they don’t really understand what that means. And basically what that means is that from the date of marriage till the date of separation […]

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Deciding If Divorce Mediation Is The Right Choice

Since I’ve done mediation for many years, I have seen three major times when mediation doesn’t work well. The first of those is when one or both parties come into the mediation with a hard and fast position from which they will not move. Mediation is built upon compromise, upon cooperation, upon give and take. […]

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