Can I Still End My Marriage While Courts Are Closed?

May 10, 2023
By Alternative Divorce Solutions

Many of us are facing some serious challenges amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. With much of the country still on lockdown, we must all find new ways to work around these obstacles, so we can continue to move forward with life. If you have plans to end your marriage, you may be wondering if you can still do so while courts are closed. The short answer is, yes, you can. However, you will have to use another method, such as divorce mediation, to achieve a resolution.

In some cases, spouses may also achieve an uncontested dissolution if they meet certain requirements and their circumstances are relatively simple. If an uncontested dissolution is right for you, your marriage can end without having to go to court.

Dissolving Your Marriage During the COVID-19 Pandemic

If you and your spouse would like to avoid any delays in ending your marriage, divorce mediation will allow you to end your marriage without having to wait for courts to reopen. Through the mediation process, you and your spouse will negotiate the terms of your divorce, including child custody, property and asset division, spousal support, and child support. Moreover, since you and your spouse will have some control over the outcome, you will both likely be more pleased with the results.

If you are seeking an uncontested dissolution, you can also stay out of court. However, you and your spouse must have been married for five years or less, have settled all debts, agreed on how to divide your assets, do not own any real property, and one or both of you meets the state’s residency requirement. In California, the residency requirement is six months.

Although this is a difficult time for everyone, you and your spouse do not have to endure remaining in a marriage neither of you wishes to continue. The world may feel like it is at a standstill, but with the right legal guidance at your side, you can continue to move forward and pursue the next chapter in your life.

Contact Our Law Office for Compassionate and Knowledgeable Representation

If you wish to end your marriage and do not want to wait for courts to reopen or for this global pandemic to end, you have other options available to you. The experienced team at Alternative Divorce Solutions will help you navigate the divorce mediation process, so you can peacefully end your marriage. We understand how stressful this situation is and will help you through it as smoothly as possible.

Reach out to our legal team today at 949-368-2121 to set up an initial consultation and discuss the details of your case.


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