Child Custody and the COVID-19 Pandemic

May 10, 2023
By Alternative Divorce Solutions

The COVID-19 pandemic is creating a lot of uncertainty in the world and, with much of the country closed, you might be facing some serious child custody challenges. The most important thing to remember at this time is that you must comply with your child custody order. Although we must all stay home and avoid any unnecessary outings to help stop the spread of this terrible virus, this does not mean you should disobey the terms of your custody agreement.

That said, both you and your former spouse’s circumstances may have changed as a result of this pandemic and these changes will likely require some flexibility and cooperation. To reduce everyone’s stress, it is important for you and your co-parent to work together as a team and navigate this unforeseen event as smoothly as possible.

Co-Parenting During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Co-parenting is a challenge even under the most amicable circumstances, so experiencing some bumps in the road now is to be expected. Try to keep the lines of communication open with your former spouse and respond to all forms of correspondence as soon as you can. Becoming an effective communicator will be a great asset for you and your family and ensure you are all on the same page. If you or your co-parent is on the frontlines and you have concerns about exposing your children to COVID-19, you might want to consider setting up Zoom visits and phone calls to protect the children.

In some cases, co-parents may have to ask the court to modify a child custody order. However, with limited court services available, your case might not be heard unless it is an emergency and you believe your children are in danger. If your former spouse is trying to take advantage of the situation and denying you parenting time, it might not be considered an emergency, but a judge may consider it and choose to modify custody when your case is finally heard in court.

No one expected to face a situation like this, but with experienced legal representation on your side, you can be better prepared for it.

Get Started on Your Case and Reach Out to Our Knowledgeable Team Today!

If you are running into some child custody issues amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, you will need a skilled legal advocate on your side to help you navigate these difficulties. At Alternative Divorce Solutions, our team has the experience and knowledge to guide you through the obstacles you are facing.

Reach out to our law office today at 949-368-2121 to set up an initial consultation with a member of our team and learn more about our services.


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