Three Divorce Mediation Rules to Live By

All Divorce Mediators either have, or should have a specific set of rules. These rules should be used to make sure that the divorce mediation process stays on a productive track. At Alternative Divorce Solutions, we give our set of rules to our clients at the initial...

Infidelity Can Impact Divorce Mediation

At Alternative Divorce Solutions, our divorce mediation process does not typically require us to ask our clients why they are getting a divorce. This is because California is a no fault state and bringing up the past usually results in creating a higher level of...

Business Owners and Divorce Mediation

At Alternative Divorce Solutions, we work with many couples who are also business owners. As a business owner myself, I fully understand all of the time, heart, and dedication that goes into running and owning a business. Sometimes, it really feels like your business...

Divorce Mediation Can Change Your Life

When you are thinking of options for your divorce, it is important to ask yourself what you would want the outcome to be (in an ideal world). Do you and your spouse have a lot of assets to divide? Do you have a complicated financial situation? If so, how do you see...

Your Assets and Divorce Mediation

When people are considering divorce, fear immediately sets in. They begin to think “I have never been through divorce before … what will happen to my assets?” For people who choose to go to court for their divorce, there are legitimate concerns...

Divorce Mediation is a Team Effort

Divorce mediators work very hard to help their clients reach agreements out of court. This is no easy task, as the divorce mediator must work with both spouses at the same time. This takes a lot of time, communication, and effort. Divorce mediation can be a successful...