Celebrating Father’s Day as Newly Divorced Parents

May 10, 2023
By Alternative Divorce Solutions

Co-parenting can be somewhat of a challenge for those who are recently divorced. After all, you split up for a reason and, in all likelihood, you were probably experiencing some difficulties getting along. Since you still need to raise your children together, however, you need to learn how to set aside your hurt feelings, resentment, and anger, so you can focus on your children’s needs and happiness.

With Father’s Day coming up, you might be wondering how to field your way around this parent-focused holiday now that you are no longer together. If you are a mom, it is crucial for you to allow your children to celebrate their dad, even if they have to create some new traditions to do so. If you are a dad, you are also going to have some adjusting to do now that your family has undergone significant changes.

Here are some tips to help you celebrate Father’s Day this year and for years to come:

  • Plan ahead: If you have not already had a conversation with your former spouse about Father’s Day, expressing that you would like to spend the day with your kids, now is the time to speak up. If Father’s Day lands on a day you were already meant to spend with the kids, then this will make the situation a little easier. Otherwise, ask if you can swap days, so you can plan something special to celebrate the day. If you are a mom, try to be understanding and flexible, so your children can spend Father’s Day with their dad.
  • Presents: Here is a tip for moms – help your children get a gift for their dad. It does not have to be something fancy or pricey. In fact, it can be as simple as buying some paper, markers, and coloring pencils, so they can create a thoughtful and creative card. Helping your children celebrate this day might be hard for you, depending on how much bad blood exists between you and your ex-spouse, but try to keep in mind that this day is also about your children.
  • Starting new traditions: When you were married, your wife probably did most of the planning for Father’s Day. She probably made reservations at a restaurant or made a special breakfast for the family to kick off celebrations. Now that you are divorced, you need to create new traditions. Have fun with it! Plan to go somewhere fun with the kids to do an activity you will all enjoy, spend the day at the park, or see a movie. The dynamics of your family changed, but you can create some incredible memories with your children.
  • Far away: If visiting your children is impractical due to proximity, try to find another way to celebrate with them. These days, technology makes it easy for us to see our loved ones, so ask your co-parent when is the best time to schedule a FaceTime or Skype conversation with your kids.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Child Custody Attorney Today!

If you are fielding your way through a child custody dispute, you should not hold off on obtaining skilled legal representation. At Alternative Divorce Solutions, our team is committed to helping clients navigate even the most delicate family law matters, including child custody.

Contact our law office today at 949-368-2121 to request a free case evaluation with a compassionate member of our legal team.


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