Alternative Divorce Solutions would like to recognize the hard work and efforts demonstrated by those involved with the recently released documentary film Divorce Corp (#DivorceCorp). Written and directed by Joseph Sorge, the provocative film is a call to action for reform of a broken and severely flawed family court system, not just in the state of California, but throughout the United States.
While our team would like to take the time to recognize the hard work and dedication of many highly ethical family law attorneys in Orange County, we are also in a position to observe the sad reality that the system, as a whole, is inherently flawed.
Filled with examples of individuals and families who have been torn apart, financially ruined, emotionally destroyed, and spiritually broken by a flawed family law system, the film calls for swift and lasting reform.
The film highlights several facts, including:
- More money passes through family courts in the United States that all other US court systems combined, amounting to $50 billion annually;
- There are no “checks and balances” for collusive relationships between attorneys, judges, and court-ordered psychologists that would be considered a serious conflict of interest in any other industry;
- The vast majority of divorce attorneys bill hourly, after gathering information on couples’ joint assets prior to separation. Those assets must be used to pay for attorneys’ fees, and the divorcing couple’s legal teams have NO INCENTIVE to complete the case quickly. Rather, if a family has considerable assets, it is more of an incentive to encourage couples to wage prolonged battles and custody fights, luring the couples’ assets as “bait” for each side to win. In the end, attorneys win the majority of the family’s assets, while families likely end up in debt.
- The AVERAGE divorce in the US costs $50,000.