How Much Does Mediation Cost?

May 10, 2023
By Alternative Divorce Solutions

Saving Money And Time

One of the more commonly asked questions about divorce mediation is related to the overall cost of the process. Many people typically assume that going to court for a divorce carries a larger chance of walking away with more, but they do not factor outside costs into their calculations.

Mediation, on the other hand, has the potential to save participants both time and, ultimately, money. Here are some factors to consider.

The Amount of Time Saved

When people think of divorce, they may associate it with lengthy court battles that drag out the entire process. While not every divorce goes through these types of court situations, the overall process can take a longer time than one might expect.

California has a mandatory six-month waiting period for a divorce, so this is the minimum amount of time that must pass before a divorce can be finalized. However, each couple’s relationship and issues are different, so depending on the circumstances surrounding each case and how likely they are to negotiate a settlement, it’s more realistic to expect a divorce to take even longer.

Mediation, on the other hand, can cut down on the amount of time working through these marital issues. Depending on how complex your case is as well as how long it takes you and your spouse to work to a resolution on these issues, mediation can be completed in as little as one session. Mediation, therefore, has the benefit of a reduced amount of time overall compared to traditional litigation.

Time Saved Is Money Saved

The saying “time is money” is accurate when it comes to mediation. The uncertainty surrounding the length of time of litigation means you may never know what you will be paying for your divorce until all is said and done. Less time spent in traditional litigation means that less money is spent on the process overall.

In addition, it’s common for mediation to involve flat fees that include the cost of filing documents, court costs, the sessions themselves, and working with the team of mediators. This flat fee system can ultimately save participants a great deal of money.

Are You Ready to Try a Better Alternative?

The benefits of mediation are clear, meaning the only thing left to do is to get started. At Alternative Divorce Solutions, our team of mediators is prepared to help you through your divorce through better means to get you started on your next chapter of life.

To learn more about our services or to get started, call us at 949-368-2121 or visit us online.


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