by Alternative Divorce Solutions | May 10, 2023 | 2019
Homeowner’s Insurance Policy Changes Are KeyDivorce and property division can be a very complex matter, add to that a homeowner’s policy and possible subsequent claim, and things can become extremely complicated. Property owners and their attorneys must...
by Alternative Divorce Solutions | May 10, 2023 | 2019
New Year’s Eve has a habit of making people feel left out if they are not in a relationship. If you recently finalized your divorce and the thought of having no one to kiss when the ball drops sparks feelings of dread, you might be questioning whether you should...
by Alternative Divorce Solutions | May 10, 2023 | 2019
Co-parenting after a divorce is a major challenge. Not only is it often difficult for former spouses to set aside their past issues and hurt feelings, but it is also tricky to establish a consistent set of rules across two separate households. Consistency is crucial...
by Alternative Divorce Solutions | May 10, 2023 | 2019
If your marriage is coming to an end and you are going through the mediation process, you and your spouse will need to hash out the details of your settlement through careful negotiations. Some of the key issues you will need to agree on include asset and property...
by Alternative Divorce Solutions | May 10, 2023 | 2019
If you are a newly divorced parent, you might be overwhelmed at the prospect of having to prepare your children for their first day back at school after the summer break. Preparing for the new school season is stressful enough without having to navigate a new dynamic...